
/Cody Schuldt

About Cody Schuldt

Cody Schuldt is a Houston-based website design, digital marketing and social media expert with over 10 years of experience working with businesses across multiple industries.

These 8 Trends in SEO Will Prosper in 2018

People who work as a Search Engine Optimization expert can confirm that there are always changes happening in the SEO industry. Those top keywords that you saw a month ago? They may be overused trends in SEO today. There are also constantly made upgrades to the search engines these days that can change a once [...]

2018-06-25T11:24:22-05:00February 12th, 2018|Uncategorized|

5 Tips Before Starting a Social Media Marketing Campaign

So you’ve finally decided to start a social media marketing campaign, and naturally, you feel excited about doing so. There are many thoughts in your head including the potential return on investment that you can get including more eyes on the brand. It is for this reason why there are many new marketers that jump [...]

2018-06-25T11:24:25-05:00February 6th, 2018|Social Media|

3 Predicted Trends in Social Media for 2018

A lot of brands are looking to find new ways on how they can connect with their audiences through the vast array of social media platforms available today. For them, it is becoming a lot harder to grab the attention of their audience especially as competition grows. So how can a brand start creating ideas [...]

2018-06-25T11:24:32-05:00January 24th, 2018|Social Media|

Here Are the Benefits of Link Building

One of the major aspects of search engine optimization (SEO) that online businesses should know is link building. This is the process of getting links to direct to your website. Although writing high-quality content can help get links to a website, there’s actually more to it than that. One must specifically aim to obtain these [...]

2018-06-25T11:24:35-05:00January 16th, 2018|Content Marketing, SEO|

Local SEO Success Using Google My Maps

An announcement from Google recently mentions that the search engine giant has upgraded the features of their Google My Maps prior to changing the classic Google Maps they have at this time. This new My Maps will let people attach their own descriptions, images, details, and icons to the customized maps. It is also possible [...]

2018-06-25T11:24:38-05:00January 10th, 2018|Marketing, SEO|

3 Simple Questions to Ask When Choosing a Web Design Firm

When you meet a web design company for the first time in the hopes of acquiring their services, you should look at this as your first interview with them. Ensuring that the business is legitimate and getting a sense of their culture and personality are some of the crucial things you need to take into [...]

2018-06-25T11:24:41-05:00January 2nd, 2018|Design, Web Design|

4 Web Design Tips for 2018

Organic search performance and web design are mutually linked, as each has an obvious effect on how well a site ranks for relevant terms. For companies that have isolated teams where their marketing and design don’t work together closely, this can be a problem. Take a look below at four web design tips you can [...]

2018-06-25T11:24:45-05:00December 29th, 2017|SEO, Web Design|

SEO Tools That Can Bring Your Site to the Next Level

The world of digital marketing continues to evolve every year, yet one thing that doesn’t change is how important search engine optimization is for basically any website. One can improve their search rankings by bringing in more organic traffic into their website. This means more eyes viewing your content and hopefully converting these into leads. [...]

2018-06-25T11:24:48-05:00December 21st, 2017|SEM, SEO, Web Design, WordPress|

These 3 Easy Tips Will Help Your Branding in Social Media

It’s no secret that a strong presence in social media platforms is important for essentially any brand nowadays. But if you are following the wrong kind of social media approach, followers can disengage quickly which would result in lost opportunities and a negative impact on your potential revenue. It isn’t rocket science to learn and [...]

2018-06-25T11:24:51-05:00December 12th, 2017|Marketing, Reputation Management|